On November 28th, 2012, ArtReach hosted it’s annual Funder Speed Dating event at Daniel’s Spectrum in Regent Park. This year featured a performance by the incredible RISE Poetry group.
Youth participant Markus Starks commented, “The funder speed dating event really help me to see the available funding out there. I met many contacts and was able to shake hands and reason with most of the funding organization's ambassadors. I want to thank ArtReach and the volunteers for this amazing opportunity to learn!”
Funders included: Andrew Suri- Toronto Arts Council; Nasreen Khan and Michael Murray- Ontario Arts Council; Ana Skinner- Laidlaw Foundation; Anne-Marie Beneteau- Ontario Trillium Foundation; Carol Law- Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration; Giselle Wiazek- Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport; Jason Samilski- CUE Collective; Derick Asante- ArtReach; Brent Bain- FACTOR; Augusto Mathias- City of Toronto; and Shequita Thompson- INI Funding.