Get Reel Film Fest Submissions
The deadline has now passed! Thank you for your interest in the Get Reel Film Fest.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with


The Get Reel Mental Health Film Festival at Stella's Place is an opportunity to spark conversation, educate our community, create a space for healing, and feature stories about our mental health.

At Stella’s Place, our mission is to provide accessible, comprehensive and holistic mental health supports to young adults ages 16 to 29. The mission of our film festival is to lift up voices and stories about mental health and to erase stigma by encouraging conversations about mental health.

Films submitted for consideration can focus on any experience involving mental health, including but not limited to: identity, grief, mood disorders, anxiety, eating disorders, substance use, isolation, and more. We are open to both features and shorts!

The Get Reel 2023 Festival will be a hybrid, with both virtual and in-person days. We offer screening fees for each film. The amount is dependent on the length and/or involvement of the film.

We strongly encourage applications from racialized persons, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and all those who can provide and contribute to the diversification of perspective.
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